Monday, November 7, 2011

Be Encouraged

I volunteered recently to help provide dinner at a nearby community center.  After weeks of advertising, door to door visits, and flyers in the community served by the center, we donated and prepared food for a specific number of people.  Less than half of the people we anticipated actually showed up. 

We've also been interceding on behalf of others in our weekly prayer services and it seems that the more we pray, the worse their situations get.  Needless to say, I've gotten a little discouraged.

BUT, God is still wonderful!

I'm reading the book Prayer by Verbal Bean, and it is reminding me of the power of a personal relationship with God - the ability to get and hold His attenditon, when we come boldly befoer the throne and compel Him to move on our behalf through prayer.  To know that we have that kind of influence with God - wow!  How can you not be encouraged? 

I started talking to God about His call on our lives to the ministry.  He called us to start a work for His name's sake, so the work has to be blessed!  I was reminded that the people aren't coming for us - they're coming for His glory!  And just like He had Moses tell pharoah to let His people go, He will command that the holds and yokes on these people be loosed - that they be se free from strongholds, bondages, whatever has them bound.  It will happen!

Zechariah 10:1 talks about digging ditches in dry places.  I am personally experiencing a dry season in an area of my life.  But I believe a ditch is being dug through my prayers.  And I'm believing that God will eventually send the rain to fill it.

Happy Growing!

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